Monday, April 7, 2008

A dream love

Are you gay? Or lesbian? Maybe you are not, because you live by the norms of this heterosexual fascist world. Oh well, both terms have the same connotation as "third sex" in this normal society (as if there is really another sex to begin with). But... if you are, have you ever been in love? The point is not whether you are gay or lesbian, but the experience of being loved. Yes?!! Have you been in love whatever your sexual and gender preferences are? Have you ever been loved by another person other than your loving family or platonic friends? The person who indeed gives off unconditional love to you whatever his/her reason/s are. Someone who just loves you -the whole of you.

If you are gay or lesbian, you know for sure that being yourself is attached with prejudices by this world. Love and acceptance is always vague for you. In some cases, when you extend love, you are hardly appreciated. When you care for others, especially of the same sex, connotes a feedback of sarcasm from other people (as if they are perfect). More often than not, you just laugh at these prejudicial people, but when you are hidden from their view, you cry all your miseries for being yourself.

Truly, love is a dream for most of us. Even heterosexuals hardly find true and unconditional love. Argumentatively, what more if you are part of the LGBT? For one, if you are gay, you are being judged by the people because of your actions and intentions. For instance, if you are gay who fell in love with the same sex, this kind of love might be wrong for the eyes of these heterosexual people. Funnier is, when you try to love a female, you are also being questioned of your capability of doing your responsibility as an able "partner"of the opposite sex. Now, where will you position yourself?

Love is an elusive dream, a wish to be truly loved by another person for some lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). I am talking of the love that does not have gender malice for the members of the LGBT community. You might be gay, but can be truly loved by either a male or a female. Point is being loved by a person that is entirely out of your blood line and experience the love with a person you admired most or have a crush on. Being loved by the person whom you would want to spend most of your time/life with. Yet in some realities, you often doubt this kind of "dream" for this society rarely showed any “true love,” and at some point, not even familial love is present for the LGBT members. I hope that this is not really the case or at least it can be changed sooner than later.

The truth is the only thing you are asking for is to be loved. Yet most of the consequences are worse than you committing a crime, or worst some "perfects" already see it as a crime in itself. Hell, yes! Even though you are just expressing your feelings for others. Nevertheless, even with that kind of intolerance, it should not be awful to live like you, when the only thing you are giving and asking for is love -a true love. Someday, love will be found and will be given in return. And someday, the dream will soon become reality. 

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